Learning is not knowing!

Learning is not knowing

I want to make sure you understand there is no substitute for education in all its various forms. We must always keep learning. I consider myself a student for life, I will never stop seeking knowledge and skills. That being said, let us get to it.

So, why is learning not knowing? To get the answer we first must define what I mean by each of these terms. Learning is acquiring new information or skills. Knowing is the mastery of information or skills. This is an important distinction that becomes evident to anyone paying attention.

Student for life

I am a student for life which means I am constantly taking classes or going to training. When you start to adhere to this same paradigm you begin to notice the difference between learning and knowing. It is very much like the difference between intelligence and wisdoh5.

My Point

My main point here is that taking a class to learn a skill is only the first step. We must spend the time training with this new skill to know it. Then we must continue to train using this knowledge to maintain it. All skills and knowledge are perishable. The old adage if you don’t use it you lose it is absolutely correct.

The path to knowing

So, if your only source of education is watching videos you might be learning, but you do not know. As I often say and hear, real life is not a flat range. The only way you can master (know) a skill is to use it in the real world. Get dirty, train hard and get out there and practice what you have learned, often. This is the path to knowing.

As Always,

Stay Vigilant and Be Prepared


