Water is life

Toxic Water
The recent water crisis in Salem, Oregon has brought this topic to the forefront. We must take responsibility for our own health and survivability by preparing for such crises. It is not enough to react to any given crisis; at that point, it is too late. This philosophy is supported by the public reaction to this crisis. There was a run on the stores, water supplies were quickly depleted in the stores, chaos and panic were the order of the day.

Fortunately, the neighboring town of Keizer has an independent source of water that is not affected. They are providing water fill stations for all those impacted free of charge, a truly altruistic gesture. Need water? But it makes no sense to leave ourselves at the mercy of someone else’s generosity. We must take personal responsibility for our own welfare.

Water storage
The best way to prepare is to have at least a weeks worth of potable water stored. This can be accomplished in many ways, some better than others, but the important thing is to make it happen. If you are storing water long term make certain the containers you use are BPA free and designed for long-term water storage. Although convenient, I do not recommend individual bottles of water, they are not practical for this purpose. You will need approximately two (2) gallons a day per person for cooking and drinking, this does not cover water for hygiene.

We recommend the following storage containers – WaterBrick – Emergency Water and Food Storage Containers – 8 Pack Blue. They offer great flexibility for transportation and compact storage. Their size makes it possible for most individuals to carry and use effectively. We carry them in our vehicles and stack them in our storage area. They are easy to share if so inclined. But, as always the choice is yours, we only hope that for you and the sake of those that depend on you, that you choose wisely.

As Always,
Stay Vigilant and Be Prepared


