Stop The Bleed


Stop the Bleed course teaches the basics of seeing and treating life-threatening bleeding.

Students will have lessons and hands-on training to learn how to apply direct pressure and use dressings and tourniquets to stop bleeding.

You never know if you will need to help someone with life-threatening bleeding. The help given by an immediate responder can often mean the difference between life and death, even before professional rescuers arrive. You don’t need medical training!

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Stop the Bleed is a nationwide campaign to teach people how to save lives quickly. No matter how fast emergency responders arrive, bystanders will always be the first on the scene. It only takes a few minutes for a person to die from blood loss. So, it’s important to stop blood loss quickly. Using a few easy steps, you can keep the injured person alive until emergency care arrives. With the right training, YOU can help save lives!

Here’s a basic overview of what to do if someone is bleeding heavily

Call for Help: Dial emergency services immediately. If you’re in a situation where you can’t make the call yourself, ask someone else to do it.

Protect Yourself: If possible, wear gloves or use a barrier to avoid contact with blood.

Apply Pressure: Use a clean cloth, bandage, or even your hands to apply firm pressure directly to the wound. Do not remove any objects that may be embedded in the wound.

Elevate: If possible and it doesn’t cause more pain or injury, elevate the injured area above the level of the heart to help reduce bleeding.

Use a Tourniquet: If bleeding is severe and doesn’t stop with direct pressure, apply a tourniquet above the wound (closer to the heart) but not on a joint. Tighten it until the bleeding stops and note the time it was applied.

Monitor and Reassure: Keep an eye on the person’s condition and try to keep them calm and comfortable until help arrives.

This course is two hours in length. All students will receive a certificate of participation upon completion of the course. The class is taught by an experienced CPR/AED First Aid and Advanced Bleeding Control instructor. Parking is free.

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