It is important that we deliberately choose how we spend our time. After all, it is our most valuable resource. No matter what we do, we can never get it back once it is spent. Each morning we have 1,440 minutes deposited in our accounts, that we must spend, there is no saving it. We can choose to waste it or use it, it is all up to us.
There is a myth that is commonly perpetuated, but is no less a myth. It is the myth that when bad things happen to us we will rise to the occasion. This is a dangerous idea, as it could not be further from the truth. It has been proven time and time again that you or I will not rise to the occasion, we will fall to the highest level of training we have mastered.
It behoovs us to train and develop the skills we need to meet our needs during a potential disaster. This is anything from a natural disaster like a cataclysmic earthquake (The Big One) to a man-made disaster such as the next depression. These events will need an entirely different set of skills then most of us have and use on a regular basis.
Make no mistake, these skills will be needed, it is only a matter of when not if. We all need to prepare for the eventuality choosing, not to can and probably will prove to be a fatal mistake. These are skills that our ancestors used on a daily basis, yet we have lost them through lack of need. We have been spoiled by the technology of the new world. It has made us dependent on it, and we will suffer if we do not take steps to break that dependence. we need to bring back the skills of our predecessors.
We need to be self-sufficient and secure our own water sources whether it be through collection or retrieval. Water is life and we will not survive more than 3 days without it. If you are on city water, what happens when you cannot pay anymore, or the lines are broken due to liquefaction? How will you provide water for yourself and your family? Do you have the tools, skills and knowledge to overcome this crisis?
We need to have safe and secure shelter, Is your current dwelling sufficient to provide you with this need should the big one hit? Do you have the tools, supplies, and skills to repair your house to a point where it will provide the needed shelter? What happens to you and yours when you can’t pay the rent? Will you survive without shelter? Unfortunately, you will not survive without shelter for more than 3 weeks, and those will be miserable.
Do you grow your own food? Do you hunt and know how to dress an animal? How will you provide food for your family when the stores are empty? In the event of a disaster there will be a run on the stores. We see it every time there is some perceived threat, remember what happened this winter? Imagine it lasting 6 months, a year, or longer. Are you ready?
Now let’s just assume, even though that is a bad idea, that you have all those bases covered. What about security? How will you protect yourself and your loved ones when disaster strikes? Because most of us now live in high-density cities we will feel the sting of not being prepared much more than the rural areas, let’s face it there are a lot of rates in the cage. When the shelves and bank accounts go empty those that have not prepared are coming for what you have. It is human nature to preserve yourself and the ones you love, you will only be an obstacle to them. Are you prepared for this eventuality? What tools do you have? What skills do you have?
I know this may sound alarmist or apocalyptic to some. But, let me ask this question, will it harm you in any way to be prepared? Knowledge is the easiest tool to carry! Always remember, the more you know, the less you need to carry. There is no harm in preparing yourself and your family for a possible disaster, but it may prove fatal if you don’t.
As Always,
Stay Vigilant and Be Prepared
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