Happy Holidays

From all of us at NW Survival

We wish all of you Peace, Joy, and Prosperity!

Thank you for supporting us!

Winter/Holiday Home Hazards

With the change in weather let us be aware of changes in home and personal safety hazards. Some things to consider:

-Christmas Trees – In addition to keeping a fire extinguisher nearby, check the water daily, turn tree lights off when away or asleep, & maintain distance from heaters.

-Warm clothing in GO Kits

-Blankets, food, water, etc. in cars in case of being stranded in a winter storm

-Working smoke and CO detectors -Here are some links to help identify other winter and seasonal hazard:

-Cold Weather Safety: Be Prepared for Winter

-Holiday Safety: Holiday Safety

-Pet Safety: Pet Safety

As Always,

Stay Vigilant and Be Prepared

Veterans Day

Today is not a day to celebrate those that died for their country.

It is a day to celebrate all of those that stood up and said, I will defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the principles that it stands for against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. I will do this at whatever cost it levies, up to and including my life.
They do not serve or fight for politicians, they serve and fight for us, the citizens of this country, after all, they are us. They serve and fight for those that stand next to them and those that stand behind them. This is the heart of the veteran.
They represent a very small group, only about 5% of our population 1 in 20, yet they are the defenders of liberty and freedom. They stand to and say, you shall not pass!
My uncle once said to me 

I do not wear this uniform and serve my country because I love war, I do so with the greatest of hopes and convictions that the generations to follow me will not have to. So that they may inherit a world where peace and love rule.

He finally retired when he returned from Iraq, after serving 27 years.
Some veterans never saw the violence of war and never will, yet they made the same commitment and steeled themselves against the possibility.

These are the men and women we honor today!

As Always,

Stay Vigilant and Be Prepared

National Preparedness Month

Well, here we are well into the third week of National Preparedness Month. What have you done to make yourself and family more prepared? Nothing, why not? Who is going to get you prepared? Do you think you will just magically be able to deal with whatever crises are presented to you? Do you believe the government will save you?

A disaster is defined as an incident where the needs of those affected exceed the available resources!

Read that again! There is a common phrase used by people that live outside of the urban/suburban areas where response times by emergency services is easily in excess of 30, usually 60 minutes. It is YOYO, (You’re On Your Own), this is how it will be should a disaster strike. The resources provided by the Federal, State and Local governments will be stretched beyond their capacity. It is a simple truth, by definition.

It is advisable and important for each of us as responsible citizens to do our best to have at least the basic supplies needed to endure through a crisis or disaster. We not only owe it to ourselves and family but our community as well. By getting ourselves prepared we make ourselves an asset to all those around us. It is similar to the safety briefing on a plane. When the oxygen masks come down, put yours on first, only then are you prepared to assist others.

Do you want to be an asset or a liability?

Now, I don’t want you to feel like you need to be an over the top prepper unless you want to be. All I am asking is that you take a few minutes and dollars and put together a few things for just in case.

Grab-n-Go Bag

Here is a good start on a Grab and Go bag. It takes very little time or resources to put one together. You can get the backpacks at a resale shop, the clothes you already have. You can use last years clothing if it is out of style you won’t care when you are warm and dry. Put that pair of shoes you just replaced because they were just too dirty in a plastic bag and stow them in your vehicle. There is literally very little excuse not to at least put something together, something is better than nothing. Remember to include feel good items, like toilet paper, fresh underwear, a clean shirt, and clean socks. Make a bag for each member of your family. If you have children have them help!

Most important of all, just start doing something!

Every journey starts with the first step, without it we will never go anywhere. So stop putting it off. Get up off your couch, go to the thrift store. Take your list with you to the dollar store. Just start moving towards being an asset to yourself, your family, and your community.

We offer classes on most subjects related to urban safety and survival.

CERT.jpgIf you are interested in contributing to the welfare of your fellow citizens during a disaster, consider joining your local CERT organization. They will provide you with training for free, all you have to do is show up!

As Always,
Stay Vigilant and Be Prepared



Back from the batcave

Good morning,

Sadly it has been awhile since you have heard from me, but that doesn’t mean I have NRA Training Logo Suite-INST-3CSPOTbeen stagnant, I bring word from the batcave.


I have been busy in the field, we have completed a couple of gun safety classes. I really enjoy these classes because I feel very strongly about how important they are. If you feel that you need to own and/or carry a firearm, I believe it is your responsibility to become highly proficient with its use and safe handling. I believe you should have to show competence, not just a written exam. Just like an automobile, show me you can parallel park.



My steadfast partner in crime has been insistent that we start offering pre built Bug out Bags. So we have been doing a lot of research so we can be sure to offer what we feel are the best solutions for the different type of bags we all should have. In the not too distant future you should see a selection of prebuilt solutions being offered. We believe everyone should be prepared for the unforeseen, and look forward to offering the best bags you can get. Stay tuned.


As always,

Stay Vigilant and Be Prepared

Trauma Kit – blood loss management

Good morning, we are constantly scouring the internet for information and better ways to do things or be prepared, so I can’t guarantee that our articles are filled only with original thought, in fact quite the opposite, they are collections.

Back on topic, today I want to talk about an often overlooked section of preparedness, especially concerning everyday urban carry, the trauma kit. Now this does not have to be some elaborate, full blown “Combat Ready”, tension pneumothorax, put in a chest tube, make an airway, kit. It just needs to provide an adequate method of managing two common conditions found in medical emergencies.

1 – Compressible arterial bleeding – arterial bleeding in the extremities, arms and legs, not your neck!

2 – Non-compressible arterial bleeding – arterial bleeding in the torso, like your armpit, your groin area or you neck.

If you or someone else are in an accident, and suffer from either of these injuries without  the proper tools to manage it, death is very likely. Help will probably not arrive in time, your survival may depend on it.

So, an urban trauma kit should have;

1 – A tourniquet

2 – An Israeli bandage

3 – A roll of 4″ gauze

4 – A 3″ elastic bandage

5 – A pair of nitrile gloves

Now, the proper application of these items and care of the mentioned injuries is another topic all together. We highly recommend you get these items, make yourself a trauma kit and learn how to use it. Here is a good article To bleed or Not to bleed, that is the question

All of these items will fit in a quart sized freezer bag and may just save your life, or that of a loved one, someday. We don’t get to chose when disaster strikes, but we do get to chose to be prepared for it.

As always,

Stay Vigilant and Be Prepared
