Pathways To Self-Reliance: How To Become Independent


In today’s fast-paced and complex world, it is essential to cultivate a sense of self-reliance – the ability to rely on oneself rather than others to meet one’s needs.

The benefits of self-reliance, including increased confidence, reduced stress, and improved overall well-being

  • Increased Confidence: When you are self-reliant, you develop a sense of confidence and self-assurance. You know you can handle challenges and overcome obstacles, boosting your self-esteem and overall well-being.
  • Improved Problem-Solving Skills: Self-reliance requires thinking critically and developing creative solutions to problems. This helps you develop problem-solving skills, which are essential in all areas of life.
  • Reduced Stress: When you are self-reliant, you are less likely to feel stressed and anxious. You know you can handle challenges and make decisions without relying on others, reducing your stress levels.
  • Increased Autonomy: Self-reliance allows you to make your own decisions and take control of your life. You are no longer dependent on others for your happiness and well-being.
  • Better Time Management: Self-reliance requires prioritizing your tasks and managing your time effectively. This helps you become more productive and efficient in your daily life.
  • Improved Resilience: When you are self-reliant, you are better equipped to handle setbacks and failures. You know that you can bounce back from adversity and continue moving forward.
  • Enhanced Creativity: Self-reliance encourages creativity and innovation. When you are not limited by the constraints of others, you are free to think outside the box and come up with new and innovative solutions.
  • Better Decision-Making: Self-reliance requires you to make decisions based on your own values and principles. This helps you develop better decision-making skills and become more confident in your choices.
  • Increased Sense of Purpose: Self-reliance gives you a sense of purpose and direction. You know you are working towards your goals and achieving your desired outcomes.
  • Improved Relationships: Self-reliance can actually improve your relationships with others. When you are confident and self-assured, you are more likely to build stronger and more meaningful relationships with others.
  • Reduced Dependence on Others: Self-reliance reduces your dependence on others for your happiness and well-being. You are no longer reliant on others for your sense of purpose and fulfillment.
  • Increased Self-Awareness: Self-reliance requires a better understanding of yourself and your strengths and weaknesses. This helps you become more self-aware and better equipped to make decisions that align with your values and goals.

Self-reliance can profoundly impact your life, increasing confidence, reducing stress, and improving overall well-being. By developing self-reliance, you can become a more confident, capable, and resilient individual.

The consequences of relying too heavily on others, including decreased autonomy and increased vulnerability

Decreased Autonomy:

  • When you rely too heavily on others, you may feel like you’re losing control over your own life.
  • You may start to feel like you’re incapable of making decisions or taking care of yourself.
  • Decreased autonomy can lead to feelings of frustration, resentment, and powerlessness.

Increased Vulnerability:

  • When you rely too heavily on others, you may become more vulnerable to their opinions, emotions, and actions.
  • You may feel like you’re at the mercy of others and that they can easily manipulate or control you.
  • Increased vulnerability can lead to feelings of anxiety, fear, and uncertainty.

Other Consequences:

  • Loss of Personal Responsibility: When you rely too heavily on others, you may feel like you’re not responsible for your actions or decisions.
  • Dependence on Others: Relying too heavily on others can lead to a sense of dependence, damaging your self-esteem and confidence.
  • Lack of Self-Awareness: When you rely too heavily on others, you may not develop a strong sense of self-awareness, which is essential for personal growth and development.
  • Inability to Adapt: Relying too heavily on others can make it difficult for you to adapt to changes or challenges, as you may not have the skills or confidence to handle them on your own.
  • Feeling Trapped: When you rely too heavily on others, you may feel like you’re trapped in a situation or relationship that’s not fulfilling or healthy.
  • Lack of Personal Growth: Relying too heavily on others can stifle personal growth and development, as you may not be challenged to learn new skills or take on new responsibilities.

Examples of Relying Too Heavily on Others:

  • Financial Dependence: Relying too heavily on others for financial support can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and resentment.
  • Emotional Dependence: Relying too heavily on others for emotional support can lead to feelings of anxiety, fear, and uncertainty.
  • Physical Dependence: Relying too heavily on others for physical care or support can lead to feelings of vulnerability and dependence.

Breaking Free from Relying Too Heavily on Others:

  • Developing Self-Awareness: Take time to reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, and values to develop a stronger sense of self-awareness.
  • Building Self-Confidence: Focus on building your self-confidence by taking on new challenges and achieving small victories.
  • Setting Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries with others to maintain your autonomy and independence.
  • Seeking Support: Seek support from others and prioritize your needs and desires.
  • Practicing Self-Care: Prioritize self-care and take time for yourself to recharge and refocus.

By recognizing the consequences of relying too heavily on others, you can take steps to break free and develop a stronger sense of autonomy, self-awareness, and self-confidence.


Developing long-term self-reliance requires dedication, persistence, and patience. Remember to be kind to yourself, celebrate your progress, and stay committed to your goals. With time and effort, you will become a more confident, capable, and self-reliant individual.

Stay Vigilant and Be Prepared

These steps ensure you and your loved ones are better prepared to handle emergencies effectively. It’s always better to be proactive than reactive for safety and preparedness.

The Rise of the Immortal Dictator: What Will AI Mean for Freedom and Government?


John & Nisha Whitehead January 29, 2025

“If one company or small group of people manages to develop godlike digital superintelligence, they could take over the world. At least when there’s an evil dictator, that human is going to die. But for an AI, there would be no death. It would live forever. And then you’d have an immortal dictator from which we can never escape.”—Elon Musk (2018)

The Deep State is about to go turbocharged.

While the news media fixates on the extent to which Project 2025 may be the Trump Administration’s playbook for locking down the nation, there is a more subversive power play taking place under cover of Trump’s unique brand of circus politics.

Take a closer look at what’s unfolding, and you will find that all appearances to the contrary, Trump isn’t planning to do away with the Deep State. Rather, he was hired by the Deep State to usher in the golden age of AI.

Get ready for Surveillance State 2.0.

To achieve this turbocharged surveillance state, the government is turning to its most powerful weapon yet: artificial intelligence. AI, with its ability to learn, adapt, and operate at speeds unimaginable to humans, is poised to become the engine of this new world order.

Over the course of 70 years, the technology has developed so rapidly that it has gone from early computers exhibiting a primitive form of artificial intelligence to machine learning (AI systems that learn from historic data) to deep learning (machine learning that mimics the human brain) to generative AI, which can create original content, i.e., it appears able to think for itself.

What we are approaching is the point of no return.

In tech speak, this point of no return is more aptly termed “singularity,” the point at which AI eclipses its human handlers and becomes all-powerful. Elon Musk has predicted that singularity could happen by 2026. AI scientist Ray Kurzweil imagines it happening it closer to 2045.

While the scientific community has a lot to say about the world-altering impact of artificial intelligence on every aspect of our lives, little has been said about its growing role in government and its oppressive effect on our freedoms, especially “the core democratic principles of privacy, autonomy, equality, the political process, and the rule of law.”

According to a report from Accenture, it is estimated that across both the public and private sectors, generative AI has the potential to automate a significant portion of jobs across various sectors.

Here’s a thought: what if Trump’s pledge to cut the federal work force isn’t really about eliminating government bureaucracy but outsourcing it to the AI tech sector?

Certainly, Trump has made no secret of his plans to make AI a priority. Indeed, Trump signed the first-ever Executive Order on AI in 2019. More recently, Trump issued an executive order giving the technology sector a green light to develop and deploy AI without any guardrails in place to limit the risks it might pose to U.S. national security, the economy, public health or safety.

President Biden was no better, mind you. His executive order, which Trump repealed, merely instructed the tech sector to share the results of AI safety tests with the U.S. government.

Yet following much the same pattern that we saw with the rollout of drones, while the government has been quick to avail itself of AI technology, it has done little to nothing to ensure that rights of the American people are protected.

Indeed, we are altogether lacking any guardrails for transparency, accountability and adherence to the rule of law when it comes to the government’s use of AI.

As Karl Manheim and Lyric Kaplan point out in a chilling article in the Yale Journal of Law & Technology about the risks to privacy and democracy posed by AI, “[a]rtificial intelligence is the most disruptive technology of the modern era… Its impact is likely to dwarf even the development of the internet as it enters every corner of our lives… Advances in AI herald not just a new age in computing, but also present new dangers to social values and constitutional rights. The threat to privacy from social media algorithms and the Internet of Things is well known. What is less appreciated is the even greater threat that AI poses to democracy itself.”

Cue the rise of “digital authoritarianism” or “algocracy—rule by algorithm.”

In an algocracy, “Mark Zuckerberg and Sundar Pichai, CEOs of Facebook and Google, have more control over Americans’ lives and futures than do the representatives we elect.”

Digital authoritarianism, as the Center for Strategic and International Studies cautions, involves the use of information technology to surveil, repress, and manipulate the populace, endangering human rights and civil liberties, and co-opting and corrupting the foundational principles of democratic and open societies, “including freedom of movement, the right to speak freely and express political dissent, and the right to personal privacy, online and off.”

How do we protect our privacy against the growing menace of overreach and abuse by a technological sector working with the government?

The ability to do so may already be out of our hands.

In 2024, at least 37 federal government agencies ranging from the Departments of Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs to Health and Human Services reported more than 1700 uses of AI in carrying out their work, double from the year before. That does not even begin to touch on agencies that did not report their usage, or usage at the state and local levels.

Of those 1700 cases at the federal level, 227 were labeled rights- or safety-impacting.

A particularly disturbing example of how AI is being used by government agencies in rights- and safety-impacting scenarios comes from an investigative report by The Washington Post on how law enforcement agencies across the nation are using “artificial intelligence tools in a way they were never intended to be used: as a shortcut to finding and arresting suspects without other evidence.”

This is what is referred to within tech circles as “automation bias,” a tendency to blindly trust decisions made by powerful software, ignorant to its risks and limitations. In one particular case, police used AI-powered facial recognition technology to arrest and jail a 29-year-old man for brutally assaulting a security guard. It would take Christopher Gatlin two years to clear his name.

Gatlin is one of at least eight known cases nationwide in which police reliance on AI facial recognition software has resulted in resulted in wrongful arrests arising from an utter disregard for basic police work (such as checking alibis, collecting evidence, corroborating DNA and fingerprint evidence, ignoring suspects’ physical characteristics) and the need to meet constitutional standards of due process and probable cause. According to The Washington Post, “Asian and Black people were up to 100 times as likely to be misidentified by some software as White men.”

The numbers of cases in which AI is contributed to false arrests and questionable police work is likely much higher, given the extent to which police agencies across the country are adopting the technology and will only rise in the wake of the Trump Administration’s intent to shut down law enforcement oversight and policing reforms.

“How do I beat a machine?” asked one man who was wrongly arrested by police for assaulting a bus driver based on an incorrect AI match.

It is becoming all but impossible to beat the AI machine.

When used by agents of the police state, it leaves “we the people” even more vulnerable.

So where do we go from here?

For the Trump Administration, it appears to be full steam ahead, starting with Stargate, a $500 billion AI infrastructure venture aimed at building massive data centers. Initial reports suggest that the AI data centers could be tied to digital health records and used to develop a cancer vaccine. Of course, massive health data centers for use by AI will mean that one’s health records are fair game for any and all sorts of identification, tracking and flagging.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

The surveillance state, combined with AI, is creating a world in which there’s nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. We’re all presumed guilty until proven innocent now.

Thanks to the 24/7 surveillance being carried out by the government’s sprawling spy network of fusion centers, we are all just sitting ducks, waiting to be tagged, flagged, targeted, monitored, manipulated, investigated, interrogated, heckled and generally harassed by agents of the American police state.

Without having ever knowingly committed a crime or been convicted of one, you and your fellow citizens have likely been assessed for behaviors the government might consider devious, dangerous or concerning; assigned a threat score based on your associations, activities and viewpoints; and catalogued in a government database according to how you should be approached by police and other government agencies based on your particular threat level.

Before long, every household in America will be flagged as a threat and assigned a threat score.

It’s just a matter of time before you find yourself wrongly accused, investigated and confronted by police based on a data-driven algorithm or risk assessment culled together by a computer program run by artificial intelligence.

It’s a setup ripe for abuse.

Writing for the Yale Journal, Manheim and Kaplan conclude that “[h]umans may not be at risk as a species, but we are surely at risk in terms of our democratic institutions and values.”

Privacy­—Manheim and Kaplan succinctly describe it as “the right to make personal decisions for oneself, the right to keep one’s personal information confidential, and the right to be left alone are all ingredients of the fundamental right of privacy”— is especially at risk.

Indeed, with every new AI surveillance technology that is adopted and deployed without any regard for privacy, Fourth Amendment rights and due process, the rights of the citizenry are being marginalized, undermined and eviscerated.

We teeter on the cusp of a cultural, technological and societal revolution the likes of which have never been seen before.

AI surveillance is already re-orienting our world into one in which freedom is almost unrecognizable by doing what the police state lacks the manpower and resources to do efficiently or effectively: be everywhere, watch everyone and everything, monitor, identify, catalogue, cross-check, cross-reference, and collude.

As Eric Schmidt, the former Google CEO remarked, “We know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less know what you’re thinking about… Your digital identity will live forever… because there’s no delete button.

The ramifications of any government wielding such unregulated, unaccountable power are chilling, as AI surveillance provides the ultimate means of repression and control for tyrants and benevolent dictators alike.

Indeed, China’s social credit system, where citizens are assigned scores based on their behavior and compliance, offers a glimpse into this dystopian future.

This is not a battle against technology itself, but against its misuse. It’s a fight to retain our humanity, our dignity, and our freedom in the face of unprecedented technological power. It’s a struggle to ensure that AI serves us, not the other way around.

Faced with this looming threat, the time to act is now, before the lines between citizen and subject, between freedom and control, become irrevocably blurred.

The future of freedom depends on it.

So demand transparency. Demand accountability.

Demand an Electronic Bill of Rights that protects “we the people” from the encroaching surveillance state.

We need safeguards in place to ensure the right to data ownership and control (the right to know what data is being collected about them, how it’s being used, who has access to it, and the right to be “forgotten”); the right to algorithmic transparency (to understand how algorithms that affect them make decisions, particularly in areas like loan applications, job hiring, and criminal justice) and due process accountability; the right to privacy and data security, including restrictions on government and corporate use of AI-powered surveillance technologies, particularly facial recognition and predictive policing; the right to digital self-determination (freedom from automated discrimination based on algorithmic profiling) and the ability to manage and control one’s online identity and reputation; and effective mechanisms to seek redress for harms caused by AI systems.

AI deployed without any safeguards in place to protect against overreach and abuse, especially within government agencies, has the potential to become what Elon Musk described as an “immortal dictator,” one that lives forever and from which there is no escape.

Whatever you choose to call it—the police state, the Deep State, the surveillance state—this “immortal dictator” will be the future face of the government unless we rein it in now.

As I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, next year could be too late.

WC: 2133

Stay Vigilant and Be Prepared

These steps ensure you and your loved ones are better prepared to handle emergencies effectively. It’s always better to be proactive than reactive for safety and preparedness.

Concealed Handgun License Class

Concealed Handgun License Class


This highly rated, fun, and informative 34+ state concealed carry class meets and exceeds the education requirements for you to apply for your concealed handgun license (CHL) from Oregon as a resident (or non-resident) of the state, a permit from Washington (as a resident or non-resident), and permits from Arizona and Utah as a non-resident.

Certifications Obtained Through This Course

  • Arizona Concealed Weapons Permit (CWP)
  • Oregon Concealed Handgun License (CHL)
  • Utah Concealed Firearm Permit (CFP)

Class Description

This 4-hour combined Oregon Concealed Handgun License (CHL), Arizona Concealed Weapons Permit (CWP), and Utah Concealed Firearms Permit (CFP) class is a comprehensive training course designed to educate individuals on the laws and regulations surrounding the carrying of concealed firearms. The class covers essential topics such as the use of force, firearms safety, the proper handling and storage of firearms, and the specific laws and requirements for obtaining a permit in OR, AZ, and UT.

Our classes are taught by industry-leading instructors who will provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to carry a concealed firearm safely.

Oregon Residents:  The Oregon Resident CHL is a  Shall Issue license.
Oregon Non-Residents: The Oregon CHL is available to non-residents who live in bordering states: California, Idaho, Nevada, and Washington, and is a May Issue license, which means it is at the discretion of the sheriff in the county in which you apply. Your instructor will provide you with all the information needed to submit applications.

The Arizona and Utah permits are open to residents of any state. You do NOT have to reside in or visit the state of AZ or UT to apply for their permits;
they can be applied for by mail.

In addition to the legal knowledge you gain in this class, there are many benefits to getting your permit(s) and carrying a concealed firearm; they include but are not limited to:

  • Increased Personal Safety: Carrying a concealed firearm protects individuals and their loved ones in potentially dangerous situations.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that you can defend yourself and others will provide a sense of security and peace of mind.
  • Legal Protection: In the event of a self-defense situation, having a permit can provide legal protection by demonstrating that the use of force was justified.
  • Concealed Carry Reciprocity: OR, AZ, and UT have Concealed Carry Reciprocity agreements with many states, meaning permit holders can carry in those states with the same legal protection.

Ages 21 and up are welcome at this event.

Free On-Site Parking – Minimum of 6 Students required

How do I prepare for a devastating terrorist attack?

How do I prepare for the results of a terrorist attack?

Preparing for the aftermath of a terrorist attack involves planning for both immediate physical safety and emotional resilience, as well as understanding how to navigate a potentially chaotic environment. While no amount of preparation can fully mitigate the impact of such events, being ready can increase your chances of staying safe, helping others, and coping effectively afterward.

Here’s a breakdown of how you can prepare for the results of a terrorist attack:

Develop an Emergency Plan

  • Create a Communication Plan: During an attack, communication systems (phone lines, social media, etc.) may be overwhelmed or disrupted. Establish a plan with family and close friends for how to reconnect. This could involve designating meeting places, using text messages for a quicker communication, or relying on social media to check-in.
  • Know Evacuation Routes: Familiarize yourself with multiple evacuation routes from your home, workplace, or other common places you frequent. Knowing how to exit safely is crucial if you’re caught in a building or public space during an attack.
  • Account for Support Needs: If you have children, older family members, or others with support needs, ensure their safety and mobility are factored into your emergency plans. Make sure everyone knows how to reach one another in an emergency.

Build an Emergency Kit

  • Essential Supplies: Prepare a kit that you can grab quickly if you need to evacuate. Include items such as:
    • Water (one gallon per person per day for at least three days)
    • Non-perishable food
    • First-aid supplies (bandages, antiseptic, medications)
    • Flashlight and extra batteries
    • Multi-tool or basic tools
    • Personal hygiene items (wet wipes, sanitary products)
    • Important documents (ID, health insurance, emergency contacts)
    • Cash (small denominations, as ATMs may be down)
    • A portable phone charger
  • Medication and Special Items: If you take medications or need medical equipment, ensure you have enough for several days and store them in your emergency kit.

Know How to Respond During an Attack

  • For Active Shooter or Bomb Threats: If you’re caught in an active shooter or bombing situation, remember the “Run, Hide, Fight” principle:
    • Run: If it’s safe, get as far away from the threat as possible.
    • Hide: If you can’t escape, find a safe space to shelter in place. Lock doors, barricade windows, and stay out of sight.
    • Fight: As a last resort, fight back using anything available to protect yourself and others.
  • During an Explosion or Chemical Attack: If you hear an explosion or are exposed to a chemical weapon:
    • Take cover immediately (duck behind something sturdy).
    • If you’re outside, move away from the site of the explosion and cover your nose and mouth to protect against harmful fumes or dust.
    • If you suspect a chemical attack, move to a sheltered area (like a building) and seal the doors and windows as best as you can.

Mental and Emotional Preparation

  • Recognize and Manage Stress: It’s natural to feel anxious or scared, especially after a terrorist attack. Learning stress-management techniques, such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or guided meditation, can help calm yourself in high-stress situations.
  • Understand PTSD: The emotional impact of experiencing or witnessing a terrorist attack can be severe. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can affect survivors, witnesses, and even first responders. Know that seeking professional mental health support is vital after such an event.
  • Support Systems: Develop strong support networks with family, friends, and neighbors. Knowing that you have people you can rely on for emotional or practical support can help you feel more secure.

Know How to React After the Attack

  • Stay Informed: Follow news updates from reliable sources to stay informed about the situation. Authorities will provide instructions on evacuation routes, emergency shelters, or other safety measures.
  • Avoid Unnecessary Risk: If you’re in a location affected by an attack, avoid returning to the scene unless authorities advise it’s safe. Follow evacuation routes or instructions, and don’t rush back into danger.
  • Help Others If You Can: If you are safe and able, assist others in need. This could involve helping injured people, directing others to shelters, or offering emotional support. However, ensure that you’re not putting yourself in harm’s way by doing so.

Understand How to Access Resources and Aid

  • Know Emergency Contacts: Familiarize yourself with the emergency contact numbers for local authorities, hospitals, and support organizations. After an attack, lines may be busy, so having backup contacts can be helpful.
  • Accessing Shelters and Services: After a terrorist attack, you may need to seek temporary shelter. Be prepared to find nearby evacuation centers or safe zones. Local governments or organizations like the Red Cross may set up emergency shelters.
  • Legal and Financial Assistance: In the aftermath, there may be legal and financial assistance available for victims. Be aware of support organizations and government programs that can help with medical costs, property damage, or other needs resulting from the attack.

Recovery and Long-Term Resilience

  • Psychological Support: After a terrorist attack, mental health recovery is crucial. Consider accessing counseling or support groups that specialize in trauma recovery. Many organizations, like the American Red Cross, offer resources for coping with trauma.
  • Grief and Loss: If you’ve lost loved ones or witnessed devastating events, the grieving process can be long. Seek support through professional services, peer groups, or religious institutions to help navigate these emotions.
  • Resilience Building: In the long term, building community resilience is key. Engage in local efforts to strengthen your neighborhood’s response capabilities, like joining a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) or other preparedness programs.

Support for Victims and Community Solidarity

  • Be Part of the Recovery: After a terrorist attack, helping rebuild and recover is essential for individuals and the broader community. Whether it’s through donations, volunteering, or simply supporting your neighbors, contributing to the recovery process can help foster resilience.
  • Promote Unity and Combat Division: Terrorist attacks often aim to create fear, division, and distrust. It’s important to remain united and work toward healing, regardless of differing backgrounds or beliefs. Acts of solidarity, understanding, and empathy strengthen communities in the face of adversity.


While it’s impossible to predict the exact nature of a terrorist attack or its aftermath, being prepared in a variety of ways—both physically and emotionally—can help you navigate the chaos and stay safe. Developing an emergency plan, staying informed, having an emergency kit, and knowing how to respond during and after an attack are all essential for personal safety and community resilience. Additionally, emotional preparedness and knowing where to access mental health and community support will help you recover more effectively from such traumatic events.

Stay Vigilant and Be Prepared

These steps ensure you and your loved ones are better prepared to handle emergencies effectively. It’s always better to be proactive than reactive for safety and preparedness.

Hope Is Not A Reliable Strategy, Expect The Unexpected

Hope Is Not A Reliable Strategy, Expect The Unexpected

Entering into 2025, Hope will be our most powerful ally, but it alone is not enough. It’s a call to action to be proactive, anticipate challenges, and develop contingency plans to mitigate risks.

Here are some actionable takeaways for a successful strategy in 2025:

Don’t rely on Hope

  • Create a plan: Develop a clear plan with specific goals, objectives, and timelines. This will help you stay focused and ensure you’re making progress towards your goals.
  • Identify potential risks: Anticipate potential risks and challenges that could impact your plan. Develop contingency plans to mitigate these risks and stay ahead of the curve.
  • Take deliberate action: Instead of waiting for opportunities to arise, take deliberate action to create your own luck. This could mean networking, building relationships, or taking calculated risks.
  • Stay informed: Study industry trends, news, and best practices. This will help you stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions.
  • Develop a growth mindset: Embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. This mindset will help you stay resilient in the face of unexpected challenges.
  • Focus on what you can control: Instead of worrying about things outside your control, focus on what you can control. This will help you stay focused and motivated.
  • Celebrate small wins: Celebrate small victories along the way to stay motivated and encouraged. This will help you stay focused on your goals and avoid relying on luck.

Anticipate challenges

  • Conduct a risk assessment: Identify potential risks and challenges impacting your goals, projects, or business. Consider internal and external factors, such as market trends, competition, and regulatory changes.
  • Stay informed: Study industry trends, news, and best practices. This will help you anticipate potential challenges and stay ahead of the curve.
  • Analyze past experiences: Reflect on past experiences and identify patterns or common challenges that arose. Use this knowledge to anticipate and prepare for similar challenges in the future.
  • Engage with stakeholders: Talk to customers, partners, and employees to gain insights into potential challenges and opportunities. This will help you stay informed and anticipate challenges that may arise.
  • Develop a scenario planning approach: Create scenarios that outline potential challenges and opportunities. This will help you anticipate and prepare for different scenarios and stay adaptable.
  • Prioritize and focus on high-impact areas: Identify the most critical areas that require attention and focus on developing contingency plans for those areas.
  • Develop a culture of preparedness: Encourage a culture of preparedness within your organization by promoting a mindset of anticipation and proactive planning.
  • Continuously monitor and adjust: Monitor your plans continuously and adjust as needed. Stay flexible and adapt to changing circumstances.

Be proactive – Hope is not enough

  • Take ownership: Of your goals, projects, and tasks. This will help you stay focused and motivated to take proactive steps to achieve success.
  • Set clear goals: Specific, and measurable goals. This will help you stay focused and motivated to take proactive steps to achieve success.
  • Develop a plan: With specific steps and timelines to achieve your goals. This will help you stay focused and motivated to take proactive steps to achieve success.
  • Identify potential risks: And challenges that could impact your goals and develop contingency plans to mitigate them.
  • Take initiative: Address potential challenges before they arise. This could mean taking on additional responsibilities, seeking new opportunities, or developing new skills.
  • Stay informed: Study industry trends, news, and best practices. This will help you stay ahead of the curve and anticipate potential challenges.
  • Develop a growth mindset: Embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. This mindset will help you stay resilient in the face of unexpected challenges.
  • Focus on what you can control: Take deliberate action to address potential challenges. Don’t waste time worrying about things outside of your control.
  • Celebrate small wins: Celebrate small victories along the way to stay motivated and encouraged. This will help you stay focused on your goals and avoid burnout.
  • Continuously learn and improve: Seek out new knowledge, skills, and experiences. This will help you stay ahead of the curve and adapt to changing circumstances.

Develop a growth mindset

  • Embrace failure: Failure is an opportunity to learn and grow. Instead of getting discouraged, use failure as a chance to reflect and improve.
  • Focus on progress: Not perfection. Celebrate small wins and acknowledge the effort you’re putting in rather than expecting immediate results.
  • Practice self-reflection: Take time to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to overcome challenges.
  • Seek feedback: Be open to constructive criticism. Use feedback as an opportunity to learn and grow.
  • Embrace challenges: As opportunities to learn and grow. View challenges as a chance to develop new skills and build resilience.
  • Develop a learning mindset: By asking questions, seeking new knowledge, and exploring new experiences.
  • Focus on effort, not talent: Believe that your abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication rather than relying on natural talent.
  • Practice mindfulness: Stay present in the moment. Focus on the process rather than the outcome, and stay calm under pressure.
  • Celebrate others’ successes: Acknowledge their hard work and dedication. This will help you develop a sense of community and shared growth.
  • Be patient: Recognize that growth and development take time. Don’t expect overnight success; instead, focus on making progress and learning from your experiences.

Stay flexible

  • Stay open-minded: Be receptive to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences. Avoid being rigid in your thinking and be willing to consider alternative approaches.
  • Be adaptable: Willing to adjust your plans and strategies as circumstances change. Stay flexible and responsive to new information and feedback.
  • Develop a plan B: Even a plan C to anticipate and prepare for unexpected challenges. This will help you stay ahead of the curve and adapt to changing circumstances.
  • Stay informed: Study industry trends, news, and best practices. This will help you stay ahead of the curve and anticipate potential challenges.
  • Embrace uncertainty. View it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Stay calm and focused under pressure, and be willing to pivot when necessary.
  • Practice mindfulness: Stay present in the moment. Focus on the process rather than the outcome, and stay flexible and adaptable.
  • Develop a growth mindset: View challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Stay flexible and open to new experiences and perspectives.
  • Stay connected: Build a network of contacts who can provide support, guidance, and feedback. This will help you stay informed and adaptable.
  • Be willing to pivot: Adjust your plans and strategies as circumstances change. Stay flexible and responsive to new information and feedback.
  • Celebrate small wins: Acknowledge the effort you’re putting in. This will help you stay motivated and focused, even in the face of uncertainty and change.

Build a strong support network

  • Identify your needs: What you’re looking for in a support network. Are you looking for emotional support, guidance, or resources?
  • Surround yourself with positive people: Who uplift and support you. Avoid negative influences that can drain your energy and motivation.
  • Build relationships: Find people who share your values and goals. Look for supportive, encouraging, and willing people to help you grow.
  • Join a community: That aligns with your interests and goals. This can be a great way to connect with like-minded people and build relationships.
  • Seek out mentors: Who can provide guidance and support. Look for people who have experience and expertise in your area of interest.
  • Be open and honest: With your support network. Share your goals, challenges, and fears with them, and ask for their support and guidance.
  • Show appreciation: Expressing gratitude and acknowledging their support.
  • Be willing to help others: This can help build stronger relationships and create a sense of mutual support.
  • Communicate effectively: Be clear and concise in your communication, and avoid misunderstandings.
  • Prioritize self-care: Take care of yourself. This can help you stay energized and motivated and allow you to better support others.

Continuously learn and improve

  • Set goals: Specific, measurable, and achievable goals for yourself. Break down large goals into smaller, manageable tasks to help you stay focused and motivated.
  • Identify areas for improvement: Where you need improvement and prioritize your learning and development efforts accordingly.
  • Seek out new knowledge: And information through various sources such as books, articles, podcasts, and online courses.
  • Practice and apply what you learn: Reinforce your understanding and build new skills.
  • Seek feedback: From others to identify areas for improvement and gain new insights.
  • Stay curious: Be open-minded, and be willing to learn from others and adapt to new information.
  • Continuously evaluate and adjust: Adjust your learning and development efforts to ensure they are aligned with your goals and needs.
  • Stay organized: Manage your time effectively to ensure you have enough time for learning and development.
  • Prioritize self-care: Take care of your physical and mental health to ensure you have the energy and motivation to learn and improve.
  • Celebrate small wins: Acknowledge your progress to stay motivated and encouraged.

    By adopting these priciples, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the unexpected and achieve your goals. Remember, hope is not a reliable strategy – it’s a mindset that can hold you back. Instead, focus on being proactive, anticipating challenges, and developing contingency plans to achieve success.

    Stay Vigilant and Be Prepared

    Taking these steps ensure you and your loved ones are better prepared to handle emergencies effectively. It’s always better to be proactive than reactive for safety and preparedness.

    30 Reasons Why Ivermectin Should Be In Your Stockpile


    Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug widely used to treat various diseases, including river blindness, scabies, and lice infestations. While it is not a cure-all, it has been shown to have potential benefits in treating certain conditions. Here are 30 reasons why ivermectin might be worth considering for your stockpile:

    1. Wide range of uses: Ivermectin can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including parasitic infections, skin conditions, and even some viral and bacterial infections.
    2. Low cost: Ivermectin is a relatively inexpensive medication, making it a cost-effective option for many people.
    3. Easy to administer: Ivermectin is typically taken orally, making it easy to administer, especially for those with difficulty taking medication.
    4. High efficacy: Ivermectin is highly effective in treating many conditions, including river blindness, scabies, and lice infestations.
    5. A long history of use: Ivermectin has been used for decades, and its safety and efficacy have been well-established.
    6. Wide availability: Ivermectin is widely available in many parts of the world, making it a good option for those who may not have access to other medications.
    7. Potential for off-label use: Ivermectin has been used off-label to treat conditions such as COVID-19, and some studies have suggested that it may have potential benefits in this regard.
    8. Anti-inflammatory properties: Ivermectin has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, which may make it useful in treating conditions such as arthritis and other inflammatory disorders.
    9. Antiviral properties: Ivermectin has been shown to have antiviral properties, which may make it useful in treating viral infections such as COVID-19.
    10. Antibacterial properties: Ivermectin is antibacterial, which may make it useful in treating bacterial infections.
    11. Antifungal properties: Ivermectin has been shown to have antifungal properties, which may make it useful in treating fungal infections.
    12. Potential for use in veterinary medicine: Ivermectin is commonly used in veterinary medicine to treat parasitic infections in animals, and it may also have potential benefits in treating certain conditions in humans.
    13. Low risk of side effects: Ivermectin is generally considered to have a low risk of side effects, making it a good option for those sensitive to medications.
    14. Potential for use in combination with other medications: Ivermectin may be used in combination with other medications to treat certain conditions, which could make it a useful addition to your stockpile.
    15. Potential for use in emergencies: Ivermectin may be useful in emergencies, such as natural disasters or pandemics, where access to other medications may be limited.
    16. Potential for use in remote areas: Ivermectin may be useful where access to medical care and other medications may not be readily available.
    17. Potential for use in developing countries: Ivermectin may be useful in developing countries where access to medical care and other medications may not be readily available.
    18. Potential for disaster relief: Ivermectin may be useful in disaster relief situations, where access to medical care may be limited, and other medications may not be readily available.
    19. Potential for use in humanitarian crises: Ivermectin may be useful in humanitarian crises, such as refugee camps or conflict zones, where access to medical care may be limited, and other medications may not be readily available.
    20. Potential for use in pandemic preparedness: Ivermectin may be useful in pandemic preparedness, where access to medical care may be limited, and other medications may not be readily available.
    21. Potential for use in bioterrorism response: Ivermectin may be useful in bioterrorism response, where access to medical care may be limited, and other medications may not be readily available.
    22. Potential for use in treating COVID-19: Ivermectin has been shown to have potential benefits in treating COVID-19, and some studies have suggested that it may be useful in reducing the severity of symptoms.
    23. Potential for use in treating other viral infections: Ivermectin has been shown to have potential benefits in treating other viral infections, such as influenza and herpes.
    24. Potential for use in treating bacterial infections: Ivermectin has been shown to have potential benefits in treating bacterial infections, such as pneumonia and tuberculosis.
    25. Potential for use in treating fungal infections: Ivermectin has been shown to have potential benefits in treating fungal infections, such as athlete’s foot and ringworm.
    26. Potential for use in treating parasitic infections: Ivermectin has been shown to have potential benefits in treating parasitic infections, such as river blindness and scabies.
    27. Potential for use in treating skin conditions: Ivermectin has been shown to benefit in treating skin conditions such as acne and eczema.
    28. Potential for use in treating inflammatory disorders: Ivermectin has been shown to have potential benefits in treating inflammatory disorders, such as arthritis and multiple sclerosis.
    29. Potential for use in treating neurological disorders: Ivermectin has been shown to have potential benefits in treating neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
    30. Potential for use in treating other conditions: Ivermectin is beneficial in treating other conditions, such as asthma, allergies, and migraines.

    It’s important to note that while ivermectin may have potential benefits, it should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional and per the recommended dosage and administration instructions. Additionally, it’s important to ensure that you have a proper diagnosis and treatment plan in place before using ivermectin or any other medication.

    Stay Vigilant and Be Prepared

    In addition, take steps to ensure you and your loved ones are better prepared to handle emergencies effectively. It’s always better to be proactive than reactive for safety and preparedness.

    Stop The Bleed

    Stop The Bleed

    The “Stop the Bleed” course is designed to teach individuals how to respond to bleeding emergencies effectively. It’s a crucial skill set for both everyday situations and emergencies, helping to control severe bleeding until professional medical help arrives. Here’s an overview of what you can expect from the course:

    Course Objectives:

    Recognize Bleeding:

    • Understand the types of bleeding (arterial, venous, capillary) and how to identify severe bleeding.

      Control Bleeding:

    • Apply Direct Pressure: Learn how to use cloths or bandages to apply pressure directly to the wound.
    • Use Tourniquets: Understand when and how to apply a tourniquet to control severe arterial bleeding from limbs.
    • Pack Wounds: For severe bleeding that doesn’t respond to direct pressure, learn how to pack the wound with gauze to control bleeding.

      Manage Shock:

    • Recognize signs of shock (e.g., pale skin, rapid pulse) and learn how to manage it by keeping the person calm and comfortable, and elevating their legs if possible.

      Hands-On Practice:

    • Practice techniques using realistic scenarios and mannequins to gain confidence and skill in controlling bleeding.

    Course Content:

    Introduction to Bleeding:

      • Overview of anatomy related to bleeding.
      • Discussion on how bleeding can be life-threatening.

    First Aid Techniques:

      • Detailed instructions on how to apply direct pressure, use tourniquets, and pack wounds.
      • Demonstration of proper techniques and tools.

    Scenario Practice:

      • Hands-on practice with simulations to apply learned skills in a controlled environment.

    Review and Certification:

      • Recap of key points and techniques.
      • Certification or acknowledgment of participation (if applicable).

    How to Take the Course:

    Prepare for the Course:

      • Wear comfortable clothing and be prepared to participate in hands-on activities.

    Utilize Resources:

      • After completing the course, review the materials provided and practice techniques regularly to keep your skills sharp.


    Save Lives:

      • Effective bleeding control can be the difference between life and death in emergencies.

    Boost Confidence:

      • Knowing what to do in a bleeding emergency helps you act quickly and calmly.

    Community Impact:

      • Being trained empowers you to assist others in need, potentially saving lives in critical situations.

    The “Stop the Bleed” course is an invaluable skill set that equips you to handle severe bleeding emergencies effectively and confidently.

    This course is two hours in length. All students will receive a certificate of participation upon completion of the course. The class is taught by an experienced CPR/AED First Aid and Advanced Bleeding Control instructor. Parking is free. Class Minimum: 4 students

    Warning – Winter Is Coming How To Prepare?

    Preparing for winter weather

    Preparing for winter weather involves getting your home, car, and personal gear ready for cold temperatures, snow, and ice.

    Here’s a comprehensive checklist to help you prepare:

    Winterizing Your Home

    • Insulate windows and doors: Use weatherstripping or caulk to seal gaps around windows and doors to prevent drafts. Consider adding thermal curtains.
    • Check the heating system: Ensure your furnace or heating system is in good working condition. Replace filters and have them serviced if necessary.
    • Clean the chimney: If you have a fireplace, have the chimney cleaned and inspected for safety.
    • Prepare for snow and ice: Stock up on salt, sand, or de-icer for driveways and walkways. Ensure your snow shovel or snow blower is in good condition.
    • Check insulation: Ensure your attic and walls are adequately insulated to keep warmth inside and prevent pipes from freezing.
    • Protect pipes: Insulate pipes in unheated areas like basements, attics, and garages. Consider using pipe insulation or even heating tape for extreme climates.
    • Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors: Cold weather often means more time indoors, so check that your alarms are working and replace batteries.

    Car Winterization

    • Tires: Ensure your tires are suitable for winter conditions (e.g., snow tires if needed). Check tire pressure frequently as it drops in colder weather.
    • Battery: Cold temperatures can reduce your battery’s efficiency. Have it tested and replace it if necessary.
    • Fluids: Ensure your car has the appropriate antifreeze, and check your oil level. Use winter-grade windshield wiper fluid.
    • Emergency kit: Pack a winter emergency kit in your car, including blankets, gloves, hats, a flashlight, non-perishable snacks, bottled water, a first-aid kit, and jumper cables. It’s also wise to include a small shovel, sand or kitty litter for traction, and some road flares.
    • Wipers: Replace your windshield wipers if worn, and consider using winter wiper blades that resist ice buildup.
    • Check brakes: Make sure your brakes function properly, especially with icy conditions in mind.

    Clothing & Personal Gear

    • Layer up: Wear multiple layers to trap heat effectively. Start with moisture-wicking base layers, add insulating layers like fleece or wool, and finish with a waterproof and windproof outer layer.
    • Winter coat: A good insulated coat or jacket is key. Down or synthetic insulation is a good option for warmth.
    • Winter boots: Insulated, waterproof boots with non-slip soles are essential for walking on snow and ice.
    • Hats, gloves, scarves: Don’t forget accessories! Wool or thermal gloves, a warm hat that covers your ears, and a scarf to protect your neck from the cold are essential for staying warm.
    • Thermal socks: Wool or specialized synthetic thermal socks are the best at keeping feet warm.
    • Sunglasses or goggles: Snow can be blinding when the sun reflects off, so protect your eyes.

    Food & Water

    • Stock up on essentials: During heavy snowstorms or cold snaps, it’s possible you may not be able to get to the store. Ensure you have a supply of non-perishable food (canned goods, dry pasta, rice, etc.) and enough bottled water for several days.
    • Emergency heating: If you rely on electric heat, ensure you have a backup plan, such as extra blankets, sleeping bags, or even a small portable generator, in case of power loss.

    Prepare for Winter Storms

    • Check the forecast: Stay informed about upcoming weather patterns by signing up for local alerts and keeping a weather app handy.
    • Prepare for power outages: If you live in an area prone to heavy snow or ice storms, consider having a backup power source like a generator. Keep extra batteries, a flashlight, and a battery-powered radio to stay updated in case of an outage.
    • Have a winter storm plan: If you need to travel, make sure you have an emergency plan in place. If you’re stuck at home, make sure everyone in the household knows how to stay safe and warm.

    Health Considerations

    • Stay active indoors: The cold weather can keep you inside more, so find ways to stay active indoors to avoid the winter blues.
    • Moisturize: Winter air is often dry, which can dry out your skin. Use a good moisturizer and lip balm.
    • Flu season: Keep a supply of medications in case you catch a winter cold or the flu.

    Outdoor Preparations

    • Winterize your yard: Bring in outdoor furniture, cover grills, and store any garden tools. If you have pipes or hoses outside, drain and store them to prevent freezing.
    • Trim trees: Winter winds and heavy snow can cause weak or broken branches to fall, so trim any overgrown trees near your home.

    By planning ahead, you can weather the storm in comfort and safety. Stay warm, stay prepared, and care for yourself and your surroundings!

    Stay Vigilant and Be Prepared

    In addition, take these steps to ensure you and your loved ones are better prepared to handle emergencies effectively. It’s always better to be proactive than reactive for safety and preparedness.

    The Very Definition of Tyranny: A Dictatorship Disguised as Democracy

    By John & Nisha Whitehead November 12, 2024

    “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”—James Madison

    Power corrupts.

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    Unadulterated power in any branch of government is a menace to freedom, but concentrated power across all three branches is the very definition of tyranny: a dictatorship disguised as democracy.

    When one party dominates all three branches of government—the executive, the legislative, and the judicial—there is even more reason to worry.

    There’s no point debating which political party would be more dangerous with these powers.

    This is true no matter which party is in power.

    This is particularly true in the wake of the 2024 election.

    Already, Donald Trump, who promised to be a dictator on “day one,” is advancing plans to further undermine the nation’s already vulnerable system of checks and balances.

    To be fair, this is not a state of affairs that can be blamed exclusively on Trump.

    America’s founders intended our system of checks and balances to serve as a bulwark against centralized power being abused.

    As constitutional scholar Linda Monk explains, “Within the separation of powers, each of the three branches of government has ‘checks and balances’ over the other two. For instance, Congress makes the laws, but the President can veto them, and the Supreme Court can declare them unconstitutional. The President enforces the law, but Congress must approve executive appointments and the Supreme Court rules whether executive action is constitutional. The Supreme Court can strike down actions by both the legislative and executive branches, but the President nominates Supreme Court justices, and the Senate confirms or denies their nominations.”

    Unfortunately, our system of checks and balances has been strained to the breaking point for years now, helped along by those across the political spectrum who, in marching in lockstep with the Deep State, have conspired to advance the government’s agenda at the expense of the citizenry’s constitutional rights.

    By “government,” I’m not referring to the farce that is the highly partisan, two-party, bureaucracy of the Republicans and Democrats. Rather, I’m referring to “government” with a capital “G,” the entrenched Deep State that is unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements, and has set itself beyond the reach of the law.

    This is exactly the kind of concentrated, absolute power the founders attempted to guard against by establishing a system of checks of balances that separate and shares power between three co-equal branches.

    Yet as law professor William P. Marshall concludes, “The system of checks and balances that the Framers envisioned now lacks effective checks and is no longer in balance. The implications of this are serious. The Framers designed a system of separation of powers to combat government excess and abuse and to curb incompetence. They also believed that, in the absence of an effective separation-of-powers structure, such ills would inevitably follow. Unfortunately, however, power once taken is not easily surrendered.”

    The outcome of the 2024 elections is not a revolutionary bid to recalibrate a government run amok. Rather, this is a Deep State coup to stay in power, and Donald Trump is the vehicle by which it will do so.

    Watch and see.

    Remember, it was the Trump Administration that asked Congress to allow it to suspend parts of the Constitution whenever it deemed it necessary during the COVID-19 pandemic and “other” emergencies.

    In fact, during Trump’s first term, the Department of Justice quietly trotted out and tested a long laundry list of terrifying powers to override the Constitution. We’re talking about lockdown powers (at both the federal and state level): the ability to suspend the Constitution, indefinitely detain American citizens, bypass the courts, quarantine whole communities or segments of the population, override the First Amendment by outlawing religious gatherings and assemblies of more than a few people, shut down entire industries and manipulate the economy, muzzle dissidents, “stop and seize any plane, train or automobile to stymie the spread of contagious disease,” reshape financial markets, create a digital currency (and thus further restrict the use of cash), determine who should live or die…

    Bear in mind, however, that these powers the Trump Administration, acting on orders from the police state, officially asked Congress to recognize and authorize barely scratch the surface of the far-reaching powers the government has unilaterally claimed for itself.

    Unofficially, the police state has been riding roughshod over the rule of law for years now without any pretense of being reined in or restricted in its power grabs by Congress, the courts, the president, or the citizenry.

    This is why the Constitution’s system of checks and balances is so critical.

    Those who wrote our Constitution sought to ensure our freedoms by creating a document that protects our God-given rights at all times, even when we are engaged in war, whether that is a so-called war on terrorism, a so-called war on drugs, a so-called war on illegal immigration, or a so-called war on disease.

    The attempts by each successive presidential administration to rule by fiat merely plays into the hands of those who would distort the government’s system of checks and balances and its constitutional separation of powers beyond all recognition.

    In this way, we have arrived at the dystopian future depicted in the film V for Vendetta, which is no future at all.

    Set in the year 2020, V for Vendetta (written and produced by the Wachowskis) provides an eerie glimpse into a parallel universe in which a totalitarian government that knows all, sees all, controls everything, and promises safety and security above all comes to power by capitalizing on the people’s fear.

    Concentration camps (jails, private prisons and detention facilities) are established to house political prisoners and others deemed to be enemies of the state. Executions of undesirables (extremists, troublemakers and the like) are common, while other enemies of the state are made to “disappear.” Populist uprisings and protests are met with extreme force. The television networks are controlled by the government with the purpose of perpetuating the regime. And most of the population is hooked into an entertainment mode and are clueless.

    In V for Vendetta, as in my novel The Erik Blair Diaries, the subtext is that authoritarian regimes—through a vicious cycle of manipulation, oppression and fear-mongering—foment violence, manufacture crises, and breed terrorists, thereby giving rise to a recurring cycle of blowback and violence.

    Only when the government itself becomes synonymous with the terrorism wreaking havoc in their lives do the people to finally mobilize and stand up to the government’s tyranny.

    V, a bold, charismatic freedom fighter, urges the British people to rise up and resist the government. In Vendetta, V the film’s masked crusader blows up the seat of government on November 5, Guy Fawkes Day, ironically enough the same day that Trump won his landslide return to the White House.

    Yet there the comparison ends.

    So, while we are overdue for a systemic check on the government’s overreaches and power grabs, this year’s electoral victory for Republicans was no win for the Constitution.

    Rather, it was a win for the very entrenched, hawkish, establishment power structure that has exhibited no regard for the Constitution or the rights of the citizenry.

    As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, the Deep State works best through imperial presidents—empowered to indulge their authoritarian tendencies by legalistic courts, corrupt legislatures and a disinterested, distracted populace—who rule by fiat rather than by the rule of law.

    WC: 1274

    Are You A Prepper Or A Survivalist?

    Prepper or Survivalist

    Maybe you should be both?


    If you’re focusing on prepping, the goal is to be ready for emergencies or unexpected events, so having a solid plan and the right supplies is key. Here are some key areas preppers typically focus on:

    Water Supply

    Water is essential, and having a reliable, long-term source is a must. Preppers usually store:

    • Bottled water (typically at least 1 gallon per person per day for 3–7 days)
    • Water purification methods (filters, purifying tablets, or even a portable water distiller)
    • Water storage containers (barrels, large jugs, or collapsible bladders)

    Food Storage

    Non-perishable food is critical, and many preppers focus on long-term storage. Here’s what’s commonly stored:

    • Canned goods (soups, beans, vegetables, fruits, meats)
    • Freeze-dried or dehydrated foods (meals, fruits, vegetables)
    • Bulk staples (rice, pasta, oats, beans, powdered milk, and honey)
    • MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) for more compact, ready-to-eat options
    • Manual can opener (for all those canned goods!)

    First Aid & Medical Supplies

    You’ll want a comprehensive first aid kit that can handle a variety of situations, including:

    • Bandages, gauze, and antiseptics
    • Prescription medications (having extra can be crucial, especially for chronic conditions)
    • Over-the-counter meds (pain relievers, allergy meds, etc.)
    • Sutures and medical tape for more serious injuries
    • Personal hygiene items (toothpaste, soap, hand sanitizer)

    Shelter & Heating

    Being able to survive in a variety of conditions means having options for shelter and warmth:

    • Tents or tarps (for quick shelter)
    • Sleeping bags or emergency blankets (compact and essential for staying warm)
    • Portable stoves or a wood-burning stove (for cooking and heating)
    • Fire-starting gear (matches, lighters, Ferro rods)

    Tools & Equipment

    Multi-purpose tools are invaluable in a prepping situation. Here are some to consider:

    • Multi-tools (like a Swiss Army Knife or Leatherman)
    • Axes, saws, and knives (for chopping wood, cutting through brush, or defense)
    • Shovel or entrenching tool (for digging, whether it’s latrines or creating a shelter)
    • Flashlights & batteries (or solar-powered lights)
    • Solar chargers (for keeping devices charged without electricity)


    While self-defense isn’t a must for everyone, it can be important depending on your situation:

    • Firearms (if legal and something you’re comfortable with)
    • Pepper spray, knives, or other non-lethal defense tools
    • Tactical gear (if you’re preparing for a serious collapse scenario)


    In the event of widespread disruptions, it’s good to have alternative communication methods:

    • Hand-crank or solar-powered radios
    • Walkie-talkies or ham radios (if you’re skilled with them)
    • Pre-arranged communication plans (with family or loved ones, in case of evacuation)

    Evacuation & Bug-Out Plans

    If things go south, knowing where to go and how to get there is crucial:

    • A “bug-out bag” (BOB) containing essentials (water, food, first aid, flashlight, a knife, etc.)
    • Escape routes and rendezvous points with family members
    • A vehicle kit (extra fuel, car tools, blankets)

    Long-Term Sustainability

    If you’re prepping for something that could last years, you’ll need to think about:

    • Gardening supplies (seeds, tools, soil for growing your own food)
    • Livestock or food-growing systems (chickens for eggs, aquaponics, etc.)
    • Energy independence (solar panels, wind turbines, or backup generators)

    Mental & Emotional Preparedness

    Prepping isn’t just about stuff—it’s about mindset. Being able to stay calm and think critically under pressure is a huge asset. Practice drills, stay physically fit, and be prepared for the psychological toll of a disaster.

    Pro Tip:
    Start small, then build your preparedness incrementally. You don’t need to buy everything all at once. The key is to have a solid foundation of essentials and then expand from there.


    This is all about being self-reliant and able to survive in the wild or in austere environments without depending on modern conveniences. It’s not just about having supplies (though that’s part of it); it’s about the skills to live off the land, adapt to changing situations, and remain resilient in the face of hardship. Here’s what a typical survivalist focus might look like:

    Shelter Building

    Knowing how to construct a shelter in the wilderness is one of the first things survivalists learn. Whether you’re facing rain, snow, or extreme heat, a proper shelter keeps you warm, dry, and safe from the elements.

    • Tarp shelters (easy to set up and carry)
    • Debris shelters (using natural materials like branches, leaves, and grass)
    • Snow shelters (like a snow cave or quinzee)
    • Lean-tos or A-frame shelters (quick and effective)
    • Bivy sacks or emergency shelters (compact, lightweight options)

    Fire Starting

    Fire is one of the most important survival tools—it provides warmth, light, and a means to cook. The key is learning multiple methods for starting a fire, even in wet or windy conditions.

    • Firestarter tools: Matches, lighters, ferro rods, and magnesium fire starters
    • Fire lay techniques: Understanding how to build a fire depending on the environment (teepee, log cabin, or star fire lay)
    • Tinder: Finding and preparing materials (e.g., dry leaves, grass, pine needles, birch bark)
    • Fire safety: Knowing how to control and extinguish fire once you’re done with it

    Water Procurement & Purification

    Without water, you can’t survive long, so finding and purifying it is crucial. Survivalists often rely on natural water sources like streams, rivers, or lakes, but it’s important to ensure that the water is safe to drink.

    • Water collection: Using containers, tarps, or solar stills to collect rainwater or dew
    • Purification methods: Boiling, chemical purifiers, or filtration (e.g., LifeStraw, Sawyer filters)
    • DIY filters: Creating a makeshift water filter using sand, charcoal, and rocks
    • Dehydration risk: Recognizing signs of dehydration and how to avoid it

    Foraging & Food Procurement

    While you can carry some food, knowing how to find and identify edible plants, insects, and animals is a vital skill in a survival situation. This also includes hunting and fishing if you’re in an environment that supports those activities.

    • Wild edibles: Learning to identify safe, edible plants, berries, nuts, and mushrooms (e.g., dandelion greens, cattails, acorns, or wild garlic)
    • Fishing and trapping: Using nets, fishing lines, or snares to catch food
    • Hunting: Basic skills in tracking and hunting (including using primitive weapons like bows or making traps)
    • Insect harvesting: Certain insects, like crickets, ants, or grubs, can be a good protein source.

    Navigating & Signaling

    In a survival situation, you may need to navigate through unfamiliar terrain or signal for help.

    • Basic navigation: Using a compass, map, or even the sun and stars to orient yourself
    • Landmarks and terrain association: Understanding natural signs like water flow, elevation changes, and vegetation
    • Signaling: Using mirrors, fire smoke, whistles, or creating large signs on the ground to attract attention if you need rescue

    Self-Defense & Security

    Survivalists often prepare for situations where they may need to protect themselves from wildlife or hostile individuals. This includes learning the basics of self-defense and tactical gear.

    • Weaponry: Basic knowledge of knives, axes, or firearms (if legal) for personal protection and hunting
    • Avoiding confrontation: Knowing when to use force and when to avoid danger by using stealth or camouflage
    • Booby traps and alarms: Setting up simple defensive systems like trip wires or noise makers around your shelter or camp

    Survival Tools & Gear

    In the wilderness, having the right tools can make a huge difference. Here’s a list of essential gear for any survivalist:

    • Fixed blade knife: A solid, sharp knife is a must-have for cutting, preparing food, and building shelters
    • Multi-tool: A good multi-tool with pliers, screwdrivers, can opener, etc., is invaluable
    • Axe or hatchet: Useful for chopping firewood or building shelter
    • Paracord: Extremely versatile for building shelters, making traps, or securing items
    • Waterproof matches or lighters
    • Rope or cordage: Essential for building shelters, hanging food, or making snares

    Primitive Survival Skills

    These skills are critical if you want to survive for long periods in the wild without modern tools or resources.

    • Primitive fire-making: Techniques like using a bow drill, hand drill, or flint and steel
    • Tool crafting: Making tools from stone, bone, or wood (e.g., stone knives, wooden spears)
    • Natural cordage: Making rope or string from plants like nettles or yucca
    • Stone boiling: A method of cooking by heating rocks and using them to boil water

    Mental Resilience & Adaptability

    Survival isn’t just about physical skills it’s also about mental state. Remaining calm, thinking creatively, and not succumbing to panic can often mean the difference between life and death.

    • Stress management: Techniques to stay calm under pressure
    • Problem-solving: Being able to quickly adapt and make the best use of limited resources
    • Positive attitude: Cultivating mental toughness and a “never give up” mindset

    Survival Situations & Scenarios

    Survivalists often train for specific scenarios:

    • Bugging out: If you need to leave your home or shelter, have a “bug-out bag” ready to go with the essentials.
    • Urban survival: Surviving in a city environment after a disaster or collapse (with access to few resources)
    • Wilderness survival: Being in a natural environment with limited tools for an extended period.

    Pro Tip:
    Survivalism is about practicing your skills regularly because it’s not just about the tools or the knowledge—it’s about being able to apply that knowledge under pressure. Spend time in the outdoors, practice fire starting, shelter building, and foraging in realistic conditions.

    Stay Vigilant and Be prepared

    In addition, take these steps to ensure you and your loved ones are better prepared to handle emergencies effectively. It’s always better to be proactive than reactive when it comes to safety and preparedness.
