Back from the batcave

Good morning,

Sadly it has been awhile since you have heard from me, but that doesn’t mean I have NRA Training Logo Suite-INST-3CSPOTbeen stagnant, I bring word from the batcave.


I have been busy in the field, we have completed a couple of gun safety classes. I really enjoy these classes because I feel very strongly about how important they are. If you feel that you need to own and/or carry a firearm, I believe it is your responsibility to become highly proficient with its use and safe handling. I believe you should have to show competence, not just a written exam. Just like an automobile, show me you can parallel park.



My steadfast partner in crime has been insistent that we start offering pre built Bug out Bags. So we have been doing a lot of research so we can be sure to offer what we feel are the best solutions for the different type of bags we all should have. In the not too distant future you should see a selection of prebuilt solutions being offered. We believe everyone should be prepared for the unforeseen, and look forward to offering the best bags you can get. Stay tuned.


As always,

Stay Vigilant and Be Prepared

Food in the Backcountry – Fish

Are you hungry? Are you out in the backcountry without your normal food stores? Never fear, the NW is stocked full of all sorts of options to keep you fed and strong.

Probably the most abundant source of protein rich food is fish. In my opinion, we are blessed with having some of the best native fish in the country but then, I’m biased.

There are several methods you can use to secure your share and more of fish in the streams and lakes of the NW. If you are traveling away from your home, you should have supplies with you that can aid you in dealing with unexpected events. I call it a vehicle preparedness kit (VPK), which we will be talking about later.

Fishing gear is one of the tools I recommend having in your VPK. My kit has fishing yo-yo’s, a good supply of fishing line , assorted lures, weights, and hooks. However, you can catch fish with nothing more than paracord and a knife to start. Enough chit-chat? Let’s get specific.

  • Catching fish with a few twigs – If you know where to put them, you can catch fish with just a few twigs by setting up a trap near the bank in the slack
    fishing-trap4water. You want to make the entrance wide on the outside and narrow on the inside, like so – \ /, this will keep the fish in the corral. Be sure your twigs go far enough up the bank and are tall enough to keep the fish in the trap. Now, just get yourself a grasshopper or a worm – both of which you could eat yourself. But doesn’t a nice trout sound better?trap_3
  • You can also use rocks and the natural lay of the river or lake to trap the fish (see diagram on left). This is a great way to feed a large group seeing as it gives you the best chance of catching a considerable number of fish with minimal effort. It is relatively non-invasive and easy to remove once you have what you need. Remember to respect the natural flow of the world around you or it just might stop providing for you.
  • Using fishing Yo-Yo’s – I love these things because you set them and forget them. In case you didn’t know, fish like the water beneath the trees on the shore. This is to our advantage because Yo-Yo’s are basically automatic reels. You newmechan-1285090991-18402hang the reel from a branch hanging over the water, bait your hook, pull out enough line to put the hook where you want it, and set the trigger. When a fish hits the hook it trips the trigger and the Yo-Yo reels them in – all the way out of the water. So, once it is set you can go set another one, start boiling water, or work on whatever other chore needs doing. Check the Yo-Yo occasionally until you have caught something.
  • Of course, you can always just get yourself a long stick and use it like a pole, as long as you have your fishing kit.

These are just some of the ways you can catch fish in the wild, but I consider them the most practical.


As always,

Stay Vigilant and Be Prepared

The Five C’S of survival

The 5 C's

Never go into the wilderness without these 5 C’s


(1) Cutting Tool: Ultimately, this means a sturdy, full tang knife, something that is always on your person in the backcountry. A four to five-inch carbon-steel blade and a flattened back edge is the most dependable and versatile. Well-made survival knives allow you to do everything from clean fish to split kindling.

(2) Combustion: A fire is critical in a survival situation during foul weather, it’s fundamental to maintaining your core temperature. Carry tinder material such as Wetfire or dryer lint with a ferro rod and a good lighter.

(3) Cover: We don’t get to decide when disaster strikes, this is important to remember. Always carry some sort of emergency shelter, a large garbage bag, a tarp, a poncho or even a wool blanket will do. You need to be able to setup some sort of shelter from the cold, rain and even sun. I would say forgetting this, is the most common mistake of outdoor enthusiasts.

(4) Container: Staying hydrated is essential in the outdoors, let alone an emergency. It is important to carry a container that can serve you in multiple ways. A large single walled stainless steel container is ideal, it not only allows you to carry plenty of water, in an emergency you will be able to boil water in it to make it safe for drinking. The are also very durable and well dent before the break

(5) Cordage: Carry a 100 feet of paracord, it is incredibly strong and has a myriad of uses, I never leave home without it.

As always,

Stay Vigilant and Be Prepared

The Rule of Threes

Emergency - The Rule of Threes

In an emergency, you will not last more than …

Three seconds without staying calm
Three minutes without breathing
Three hours without taking shelter
Three days without water
Three weeks without eating

Numbers are not concrete because they depend on the situation, environment, and person, but the rule of three gives us a solid base

Stay Calm, Apply First Aid, Find shelter, Find water, Find food

As Always,

Stay Vigilant and Be Prepared

Everyday Carry

It is my philosophy that each of us should make a habit of always carrying a few basic tools.

1 – A good sharp knife.

2 – A flashlight – rechargeable

3 – A length of cord

4 – A lighter

5 – A basic first aid kit

6 – A bottle of water

7 – A backup power source Anker

8 – A pen or pencil

9 – A small pad of paper, preferably water proof

These items should go with you everywhere, they will empower you.

As always,

Stay Vigilant and Be Prepared
